Monday, July 20, 2009

"In The Garden"

I took advantage of the lovely, cool weather outside yesterday evening and "snapped" a few pictures in the garden and of the flowers. This year, I decided it would be nice to have a little fresh produce right outside the back door, so I planted the following: squash, tomatoes (both "Big Boys" and "Tommy Toes"), banana peppers, a bell pepper plant, and some lemon mint. To "spruce up" the back porch a bit, I found a few spare pots in the garage and planted several varieties of flower seeds.

Now for the results!

Summer Squash


Banana Peppers

Bell Pepper Plant


Is not the detail of God's Creation simply breathtaking?

"...Great and marvelous are Thy works, O Lord God, the Almighty..."
Revelation 15:3

Marveling at our God's awesome handiwork,



  1. Wonderful photos, Missie... I love the ones of your flowers. I wish I had more flowers to take photos of.

    Thanks for letting me know you moved. :) If you need a blog template done for here, I'm sure Jocelyn would be happy to help you out. She made a really cute premade template at her boutique blog. :)

    Anyways. I'm sorry for not getting your letter sent out yet. Yes, I still have it. I will send it out with Dad tomorrow when he leaves for work. My dog, Blondie, was hit by a train on Saturday evening, so we've kind of been little busy.
    Then our other doe kidded on Sunday night. She had two beautiful does. That make four does and a buck. yay, more does. :)

    Hope you are having a blessed week.
    With love,
    Missie R

  2. Yes I did see that there was a quote from the author of AG. I forgot that your middle name was Grace. :) That makes more sense to me now that I know.

    I sent it out with Dad today. Sorry its taken me so long. I guess three weeks is better than three months though! :P

    I am writing a post about Blondie, so you can come by and read it later. :)


  3. What a bad blogger friend am I, for I didn't know that you had a blogspot account:( I found it from Katie's...but now I am glad for I have another blog I know I'll love:)

    Your garden looks delicious! Our garden is little this year since we are moving and seeing yours makes me yearn for a larger garden...and harvest:)

    Also, the third to last picture (it's of a blue flower, off center) looks like my favourite flower of all time...the cornflower...or Bachelor's Buttons if you prefer the latter. Legend has it that if a maiden puts a Bachelor's Button beneath her apron, that she could have any bachelor she desired, interestingly enough...

    Have A Great Day!

  4. My Dear Friend! What simply fantastic photos of your garden!!! I'm glad that you did something very productive this summer (unlike myself) and had a garden. I'm going to have one next summer to help me stay busy...

    Love you lots!
